Obituary: David Tull

13th September 2022

David Tull, husband of long-serving committee member, Jane, died shortly after our AGM in September.  David had suffered from poor health for some time and was a little short of his 85th birthday.

Hailing from Portsmouth, David met Jane while she was teaching in Gibraltar and they married in 1991. David had taken early-retirement from the MoD, so he became 'husband of' and was much in demand for school trips and special assignments.

Jane recalls a particular occasion from a school trip to Catalan Bay:

'I gave him 6 boisterous boys to look after. When it was time for morning snack I thought to myself,they are very quiet. I turned round, and there sitting on the top of a wall in height order, were the boys. I nearly screamed. There was a drop of about 6 feet the other side. He just asked them to get off and they did.'

In Gibraltar David was very active in the Trafalgar Theatre Group. He often played the dame in panto and, because of the shortage of men, seemed to be in every play.

David and Jane returned to UK because of David's health. David was a sociable character with great sense of humour. He was active in his local U3A and in no fewer than three choirs. David's standing in the community of Waterlooville, Hampshire, where he and Jane settled was reflected by a packed funeral, attended by 130 people.