Name: | Alexandra (Singapore) |
BFPO: | N/A |
Country: | Singapore |
Type(s): | Infant, Junior, Secondary |
Notes Alexandra schools are first mentioned in the "Coronation List". This is a schedule of schools that existed in 1952. The pin points to the premises of the Alexandra Grammar School. Use the zoom tool and satellite overlay on the map to view the exact location. Military post was conducted through the civil postal authorities.......c/o GPO Singapore. |
A small area with four types of school..........Infant, Junior and Grammar and Secondary Modern.
Click this link to view the location of Alexandra Junior (opens in a new window) - information courtesy of William Johnston.
The Grammar and Secondary Modern closed in 1964 and were replaced by Bourne School (previously in Malaysia) and the new St John's school.
Bourne accommodated 11-13years & St John's 13-18years.
Most British troops and families had moved out of Singapore by October 1971, leaving a token number behind.
The last British troops left in 1976.
A class from the Infant School in 1968 with Miss Leftbridge.
The Christmas nativity rehearsal - early 1960s.
Photo courtesy of the "Ex Far-East Brit Brats" Facebook group.
Alexandra Infant & Junior school pictures are courtesy of the Memories of Singapore website (link opens in a new window)
The number of teachers probably indicates the secondary school staff.......1970.
An Infant or Primary School staff dated 1959.
For more images of Alexandra School and the BFES Schools in this link (opens in a new window)