John describes his time at Krefeld School:
I do look back fondly on my experiences as the only American  in the BFES Krefeld school 1962-1963. I do think it the most formative experience in my life. My family was in this part of west Germany on a corporate foreign assignment and I was most fortunate to go to the BFES Krefeld school. I certainly was different on the first day showing up with my American crew cut short hair, but I was otherwise made to feel most comfortable by all. 

Headmaster Jones was the visible leader of our school and an excellent communicator. In assembly or 'one-on-one' he spoke with great care and impact . He was a great role model for me in taking on my future responsibilities. I do much appreciate he and his family, in particular his son Liam, my best  friend, for going out of their way to make me feel welcome. 

The academics provide my a very strong foundation for growth in mathematics and of course proper English. In particular, I recall mastering those multiplication times tables which were stored forever in my mind and I could compute with speed and accuracy on many tests thereafter.  I went on to graduate from university in the USA with honors in math and economics then was hired as systems engineer and worked for IBM for 37 years, the last 15 years as an executive in the software business. 

The school sports I most enjoyed participating  included track, soccer and cricket,  the latter two which were completely new to me. I cherish pictures that I have kept from all of these sports. There was a BFES Germany inter school track meet and sprint for 8 year old and unders which I did win and actually took 3rd in the 10 and unders as well.  

I was presented a first place medal at assembly by our headmaster Mr. Jones who gave it to me on some blue velvet he said was likely from one of queen Elizabeth’s gowns as pictured and I still cherish it as such to this day.  Our school soccer team was very good and I was fortunate to even be on the team as pictured  from 1962-1963 .

I really had little skill, but I did have great speed. Our coach, Mr. Eastcrab is on the right side of the team. I  am smiling as always just below the headmaster Mr. Jones on the left side.
They all taught me to play better and I did go on to star in soccer in the USA on high school and college teams. 

Mr Eastcrab was one of many excellent teachers I enjoyed and he certainly commanded the most discipline. I was almost always a good student, but I do recall getting into trouble with him once when I leaned out of my seat to get a better look at another boy who had misbehaved and was asked to come to the front of the room, then take off his shoe and bend over as he got a paddling with it .  Mr Eastcrab happened to look at me out of place and as always I had a smile on my face and that was enough along with some others who had laughed to also get called up to the front of the room. He told us this was no laughing matter and then asked that we put our hand out whereupon we got a few slaps with a ruler.
It was one of many lesson learned in good manners  for me, this one unfortunately the hard way not to take lightly another’s misbehaving and punishment. 

It was an honour for me to  be selected to read in front of the school at assembly some Christmas readings. My mother attended and sat next to a teacher who remarked that  I was selected because I could read aloud so well.  My mother told me after she was shocked to hear me read  with such an English  accent, but that I had done a “ jolly good job” as the teacher told her .

I would like to thank all the students, teachers and headmaster Jones for making this school such a wonderful experience for me .  I left with not just longer hair on my head , but a lot more inside that helped me throughout my life.

Thank you all at BFES Krefeld school. 

John Heidbreder