Location: Clive


Location provided from memory by John Lord.

Belm is a suburb of Osnabrück.

John Lord remembers:
I was appointed deputy in this school in 1973.  The school was situated in a suburb of Osnabrück called Belm.  High rise flats for corporals and below. It was the only school I worked in where the children could walk to school so we were able to develop a good ambience with parents – very precious.
On occasions, I walked across to the MQs and knocked on doors to discuss individual pupils.  Quite a surprise for the individual pupils!

It was a Primary school at the time until the local reorganisation changed it to being a First school, with the building of Derby Middle School. This was in 1976 the year I left to take up the headship of Antwerp School.
The school almost completely burned down during work one school holiday (after my time). Other schools in Osnabrück went to extreme lengths to accommodate extra children and staff.

Alex Bostock remembers the fire:  

I was head (of Clive) at the time - the fire broke out during the summer break of summer 1988 I believe ... a workman was soldering a gas pipe along the top of a corridor so we could install a gas cooker in the staffroom. The school caught fire and because of the 'CLASP' construction it just spread along the roof void and each classroom had debris from successive ceiling drops and set everything ablaze.  Not a pretty sight!!  Some classrooms were saved by the bulldozing of a fire break by the local fire brigade. This led to some classes remaining on the Clive campus and some being hosted at the Derby Middle school.