Location: St George's (Norway)

Name:St George's (Norway)

Location provided by Anne Wright.

The school supported the families at the NATO base in Kolsas.

Beverley Redmore and her sister attended the school between 1968-70.

Memories of the school by Anne Wright:
I started teaching there after Easter 1979 and was there until Christmas 1986.
We were so ideally situated for many fantastic projects. Nearby we had the Viking Ship Museum, The Kon Tiki/Ra museum and the Fram museum. 
The island of Kalvoya was also nearby and not so developed as it is now. 
It had a wonderful suspension bridge from the mainland across to the island and once on the island there was every sort of habitat, from shore to rocks, to marsh etc etc.
Before my time they used to flood the playground in the winter, then it would freeze and the kids could bring their skates to school.  In my day we had skid pans/sledges. 
Classes each had a day when it was their turn to play on the skid pans at break time/lunch time play. 